Kandi, Dharamshala, India
7 days, 6 nights
Think Calm

Ananda Sutra

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About the experience

What will I experience?

At Ananda Sutra, you'll delve into mindfulness meditation, practice mindful eating, and engage in creative meditation. The retreat's core is the deconditioning inquiry method, a transformative practice that helps you question and release ingrained mental patterns and beliefs, fostering profound self-awareness and emotional resilience. You'll explore ancient Indic practices and wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita, all aimed at guiding you toward a life of joy, peace, and mindful awareness in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Benefits of this experience

Participating in the Ananda Sutra retreat fosters peacefulness by teaching the practice of detachment through the deconditioning inquiry method, allowing you to identify and release deep-seated mental patterns and attachments. This process cultivates a serene state of mind, reduces stress, and enhances emotional resilience. By learning to observe thoughts and emotions without attachment, you develop a lasting inner peace, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with calmness and clarity.

Incorporation in daily life

Start by dedicating a few minutes each morning to mindfulness meditation, focusing on your breath to cultivate a calm and centered state of mind for the day.

About the Destination

Situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, Z Meditation Center is a sanctuary of joy, love, and wisdom. This spiritually charged paradise, enriched by the presence of thousands of sincere seekers who have meditated here, offers a unique ambiance of tranquility and enlightenment. Participating in the Ananda Sutra retreat, you will immerse yourself in an atmosphere where the Light of Krishna pervades, guiding your journey towards inner peace and self-discovery. This retreat is not just an escape but a profound return to a life of serenity, detachment, and deep joy, set amidst the serene beauty of the Himalayas.

About the Specialist

Ajay Kapoor, a profound meditation guide and author of notable works including 'Free Your Mind', 'Freedom Is Your Only Choice', and 'Meditation: Obstacles and Preparations', has been a pivotal figure in the realm of spiritual wellness since founding Z Meditation in 1996. With a deep-seated reverence for Shri Krishna’s teachings, Ajay has dedicated himself to demystifying meditation, making it accessible and straightforward for practitioners. His unique deconditioning inquiry method addresses the core issues of mental unrest, enabling participants to explore profound depths of mindfulness and inner peace. Through his personalized retreats in Himachal, Ajay ensures a transformative journey for individuals seeking serenity and self-discovery.


Place of experience

Nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, village Kandi is a haven of tranquility and natural beauty, offering a perfect backdrop for the Ananda Sutra retreat. This picturesque village is imbued with a profound spiritual energy, home to vibrant Tibetan communities and ancient temples, making it an ideal setting for deepening one’s practice of mindfulness and self-discovery. The calming environment and refreshing mountain air contribute significantly to the overall wellbeing experience, promoting peace and rejuvenation.

Most suitable time to visit

The most suitable times to experience the Ananda Sutra retreat at Z Meditation Center are during the spring (March to June) and fall (September to November) when the weather is most conducive to meditation and introspection.

Ancient & modern provenance

Ancient texts and treatises:

Ancient text name: Bhagavad Gita (circa 500-200 BCE)

  • Context: A 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata
  • Mention of Detachment: Detachment is discussed primarily in the context of karma yoga, the path of selfless action. It teaches that one should perform duties without attachment to the results, which leads to inner peace and spiritual liberation

Ancient text name: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (circa 400 CE)

  • Context: A foundational text of Yoga philosophy compiled by the sage Patanjali, outlining the art and science of yoga to achieve full consciousness.
  • Mention of Detachment: Patanjali introduces the concept of vairagya (detachment) as a means to achieve spiritual transcendence and emotional equilibrium by reducing dependency on external circumstances

Ancient text name: Ashtavakra Gita (circa 500 CE)

  • Context: A classical Advaita Vedanta scripture presenting a dialogue between the sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka on the nature of reality, self, and liberation
  • Mention of Detachment: It advocates for intense detachment from the material world and personal desires as a path to achieve peace and self-realization

Modern Scientific Researches:

Title: Spirituality as ‘detachment’ and ‘comfort’ in the context of depression

  • Main author: A. Snider
  • Date of publishing: 2021
  • Abstract: This study explores how individuals with depression perceive spirituality, highlighting ‘detachment’ and ‘comfort’ as key themes. It discusses the implications of spiritual detachment in aiding personal recovery from depression
  • Link to the paper

Full plan of experience

The following schedule provides a general outline of the duration and activities aimed at facilitating the integration of the retreat's teachings into your daily life.

At the place
Kandi, Dharamshala, India
7 days, 6 nights
$ 1100 / person

Experience Schedule

Day 1: Arrival and Orientation

  • Morning: Arrival and check-in
  • Afternoon: Orientation to the retreat's philosophy and practices
  • Evening: Initial light meditation and welcome dinner

Day 2: Introduction to Meditation Techniques

  • Morning: Wake-up bell and first meditation session focusing on basic techniques
  • Afternoon: Creative meditation involving art or poetry; siesta or self-study
  • Evening: Meditation with pranayama (breathing exercises) and eating meditation

Day 3: Deepening Meditation Practice

  • Morning: Regular meditation session followed by eating meditation
  • Afternoon: Profound assignments and creative meditation
  • Evening: Meditation session including walking meditation and Q&A session

Day 4: Integrating Movement with Meditation

  • Morning: Regular meditation practices
  • Afternoon: Introduction to walking meditation and time for self-study
  • Evening: Meditation focused session with pranayama and group interactions

Day 5: Advanced Techniques and Group Sessions

  • Morning: Advanced meditation techniques and mindful eating
  • Afternoon: Group meditation sessions and creative assignments
  • Evening: Meditation, Q&A, and eating meditation

Day 6: Reflection and Deep Personal Work

  • Morning: Meditation and mindful eating
  • Afternoon: Deep personal reflection through profound assignments
  • Evening: Group meditation, Q&A, and eating meditation

Day 7: Conclusion and Integration

  • Morning: Final meditation sessions and last eating meditation
  • Afternoon: Closing session on integrating practices into daily life
  • Evening: Farewell gathering and reflections

Ajay Kapoor

An experienced spiritual guide and an expert in Bhagawat Gita

7 days, 6 nights
$ 1100 / person
Upcoming next:
3rd week of May, June & July 2024
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