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Rejoice in Art

Rangaraga Samskruti

For building empathy

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About the course

What will I learn

Dr. Gayathri Shankarnarayan's practice revolves around the ancient art of Kolam. Kolam is a traditional practice in which intricate and symmetrical patterns are created on the floor using rice flour and other natural materials. However, Dr. Shankarnarayan's approach goes beyond the traditional practice. Participants in her program will not only learn the techniques of creating Kolam but also understand the deeper symbolism and theories behind the various symbols used in Kolam designs.

Benefits of this course

The practice serves as a powerful stress reduction technique, providing a therapeutic escape and enabling individuals to commence their day with a composed and focused mindset. Additionally, the physical aspects of creating Kolam, involving precise movements, enhance blood circulation, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination, contributing to overall physical wellness. Emotionally, Kolam encourages creativity and self-expression, fostering a sense of emotional equilibrium and empathy towards others.

Incorporating in my life

Dr. Shankarnarayan's course equips participants with the knowledge and skills to draw Kolam independently. One can incorporate Kolam as a morning ritual to start the day with positivity and mindfulness.

About the specialist

Dr. Gayathri Shankarnarayan is a renowned expert in the field of Carnatic Music and the ancient South Indian art form of Kolam. Her unique specialization lies in combining these two diverse art forms to enhance wellbeing, creativity, and inner harmony. Dr. Shankarnarayan's journey began in a small village in Tamilnadu, India, where she was exposed to the rich cultural traditions of arts and music from a young age. This early exposure ignited her passion for these art forms and eventually led her to pursue a PhD in Carnatic Music. What makes Dr. Shankarnarayan truly special is her innovative approach to of integrating Carnatic Music and Kolam.

Online from

Ancient & scientific relevance

Ancient texts that refer to this

Silappadikaram, is a classic Tamil epic composed by Ilango Adigal, that dates back to the 5th or 6th century CE and provides valuable insights into the social and cultural practices of ancient Tamil Nadu.

Modern research and publications

Research Paper: Kolam: A Mathematical Treasure of South India

Author(s): Vidya Thirumurthy &Ksenija Simic-Muller (2012)

Research Paper: Teaching Mathematics through the Art of Kolam Journal: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Author: Syamala Chenulu

Introductory session

30-45 mins LIVE 1:1 online introductory session with Dr. Gayathri Shankarnarayan.

The session will be facilitated by the Leela Life Concierge Desk.

Plan for intro session

Introduction to Kolam and it's significance in brief

Quick demo of a basic kolam design

Understand how drawing kolam provides with physical and mental wellbeing

Engage in an interactive Q&A session ask questions, gain deeper insights, and clarify doubts about the course

Plan for overall course

The specialist will be tailoring the course for you and the exact number of sessions will depend on multiple factors such as need, inclination, interest, absorption and more.

The plan below should give you a rough indication of how many sessions will it take for you to inculcate the learnings from this course in to your regular life by yourself.

Live 1:1 online course
5 sessions
Duration of each session
45 mins
Course price

Session 1

Understanding and Creating Kolam - Artistry and Structure
  • Overview of Kolam and its cultural significance
  • Understand the positive vibrations and cultural importance of starting the day with Kolam
  • Classification of Kolam in terms of techniques, design, complexity, and purpose
  • Exploration of the various materials used in Kolam creation and their
  • Swiftly practice the art of creating kolam using a unique technique

Session 2

Benefits - Overall Wellbeing
  • Discover the connection between kolam and yogasana
  • Understand how physical posture while making kolams helps in enhancing wellbeing along with cognitive benefits like concentration, hand-eye coordination, spatial reasoning
  • Learn Kolam as a natural brain booster, promoting self-evolution and self-confidence
  • Practice drawing the divine kolam

Session 3

Demo - Dots, Lines & Connection
  • Emphasis on the importance of dots and lines
  • Application of the knowledge gained through the session by drawing Kolam

Session 4

Music & Kolam - Connection to music, Isai kolam
  • Understanding the relationship between music and Kolam, where dots symbolize tāļa (musical beats) and lines represent melody
  • Exploring the aim and benefits of Isai Kolam while navigating the associated challenge and coordination
  • Enjoy the practice of drawing kolam with music

Session 5

Trends - Existence
  • Patterns in the universe and evolution
  • Introduction to sacred geometry, the golden ratio
  • Toile Indian collection and integration of Kolam in fabric designs
  • Practice traditional kolam with contemporary thinking
  • Summing up the session by answering or clarifying any doubts

Frequently asked questions

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Conducted by

Dr. Gayathri Shankarnarayan

Distinguished expert in Kolam and Carnatic Music

Course price
5 sessions • Weekly
Start with intro session
Experience live 1:1 learning & get a personalised course plan

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