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Think Calm

Viveka Buddhi

For building intellectual resillence

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About the practice session

What will I learn

Dr. Janki Santoke's course centers around the profound concept of 'Detachment.' Through her course, participants learn to apply their intellect for success, calmness, and personal growth. Detachment, in the Vedantic context, doesn't imply emotional disconnection but rather a state of mental equipoise, where one is not swayed by external circumstances. Participants engaging in Dr. Santoke's course undergo a transformative journey in understanding the workings of the intellect. The curriculum includes reading materials, interactive sessions, occasional writing assignments, and, if in person, outings to natural, green places. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive understanding and practical application of Vedantic principles in the complexities of contemporary life.

Benefits of this course

The courses delve into practical aspects such as stress management, productivity, leadership, time management, value systems, and work ethics, aligning ancient wisdom with contemporary challenges. Participants gain not only a deep understanding of detachment but also practical tools to enhance their personal and professional lives. The development of the intellect becomes a guiding force, steering emotions and actions towards a harmonious and productive life. The course's impact extends beyond mere knowledge; it fosters a mindset conducive to balance, success, and sustained happiness.

Incorporating in my life

Participants are encouraged to incorporate detachment principles into their routine through consistent reading, reflection, and interaction. Occasional writing assignments serve as a means of self-expression and reinforcement of learned concepts.

About the specialist

Dr. Janki Santoke is a prominent figure in the field of Vedanta, with a specialization in the ancient Indian philosophy's practical application in contemporary life. Having completed a rigorous three-year residential course on Vedanta at Swami Parthasarathy’s Vedanta Academy, she has dedicated the past 30 years to research and the dissemination of Vedantic principles. Her unique specialization lies in the intersection of Vedanta, corporate training, and personal development. Dr. Santoke's expertise extends to lecturing, writing, and conducting training programs for various renowned organizations. What sets her apart is the systematic, rational, and business-oriented approach she brings to Vedanta, making its profound wisdom accessible and applicable in the context of modern daily living.

Online from

Ancient & scientific relevance

Ancient texts that refer to this

Commentaries by Adi Shankaracharya (Early 8th Century)Context: Adi Shankaracharya, a revered Indian philosopher and theologian, wrote extensive commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita. His works are foundational to the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy.Summary: Shankaracharya's commentaries emphasize non-attachment, knowledge of the self, and the realization of one's own divine nature as the essence of the Gita's teachings. He argued that understanding and living these principles are key to achieving moksha (liberation) and wellbeing.

UpanishadsContext: A collection of philosophical texts that form the theoretical basis for the Hindu religion, dating from 800 BCE to the start of the Common Era. The Upanishads discuss the nature of reality, the soul, and the ultimate goal of moksha (liberation).They teach the importance of detachment from the material world in achieving spiritual knowledge and liberation, concepts that are foundational to the teachings of the Gita.

Vivekachudamani by Adi Shankaracharya (8th Century)Context: Another work by Adi Shankaracharya, the Vivekachudamani, or "Crest Jewel of Discrimination," is a manual for spiritual practice that elaborates on the path to realizing the Self.Summary: This text delves into the nature of Atman (the Self), Brahman (the ultimate reality), and maya (illusion), emphasizing detachment from the material world as essential for achieving moksha. The teachings mirror the Gita's emphasis on knowledge, detachment, and devotion as paths to liberation and wellbeing.

Modern research & publications

Research Paper: The Bhagwat Gita as a Complimentary Tool to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Main Author: N. Sharma

Abstract: This article discusses how the Bhagwat Gita's teachings on Karma (Action), Yoga (Skill in action), Nirvana (Detachment), and the eternity of the soul can complement cognitive behavioral therapy by addressing anxiety, grief, guilt, fear, and depression.

Research Paper: Karma Yoga: The Path of Enlightened Action

Main Author: S. Dhiman

Abstract: This chapter from "Bhagavad Gita and Leadership" explores the path of karma yoga (enlightened action) and its implications for leadership, focusing on the pursuit of action with detachment as a framework for performing selfless service.

Introductory practice session

30-45 mins LIVE 1:1 online introductory practice session with Dr. Janki Santoke.

The session will be facilitated by the Leela Life Concierge Desk.

Plan for intro session

Brief introduction to Vedanta: history, significance, and core concepts

Touch upon importance of the human intellect

Engage in an interactive Q&A session ask questions, gain deeper insights, and clarify doubts about the course

Plan for overall course

The specialist will be tailoring the practice session for you and the exact number of sessions will depend on multiple factors such as need, inclination, interest, absorption and more.

The plan below should give you a rough indication of how many sessions will it take for you to inculcate the learnings from this practice session in to your regular life by yourself.

Live 1:1 online practice sessions
5 sessions
Duration of each session
45 mins
Course price

Session 1

Understanding the Self and Basic Principles of Vedanta
  • Introduction to Vedanta philosophy and its relevance to understanding the self
  • Exploration of basic principles like development of the intellect and purification of the mind
  • Discussion on how these principles can lead to detachment and peace

Session 2

Improving Concentration, Consistency, and Cooperative Endeavor through Detachment
  • Learn about improving concentration i.e. focus upon the current action
  • Explore how consistency is built
  • Understand the value of cooperative endeavors in achieving common goals

Session 3

Handling Relationships
  • Explore the dynamics of different types of relationships (personal, professional)
  • Learn the two fundamental principles of detachment in harmonizing relationships, be they personal or professional

Session 4

Stress Management
  • Identify your sources of stress and also learn how it may not be what you think
  • Building a stress-resilient mindset through understanding and re-directing stress responses by knowing detachment

Session 5

The Spiritual Path
  • Introduction to the concept of the spiritual path of detachment and its connection to intellectual resilience
  • Explore four different spiritual practices, their eligibility and results
  • Reflect on the integration of spirituality into daily life for enhanced wellbeing

Frequently asked questions

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Conducted by

Dr. Janki Santoke

Renowned Vedanta expert, lecturer, author and public speaker

Course price
5 sessions • Weekly
Start with intro session
Experience live 1:1 learning & get a personalised course plan

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